Pronto Pizza
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Popular pizza in Chernivtsi

420 g
Base, cream, mozzarella, royal cheese, parmesan, dor blue cheese
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
284 грн
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550 g
Base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, salami, ham, tomatoes
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
262 грн
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400 g
Base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami
145 грн
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510 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Соус цезар, сир моцарела, бекон, курка, помідор чері, айсберг, пармезан
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
303 грн
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400 g
Base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
211 грн
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480 g
Base, cream, mozzarella cheese, chicken fillet, corn, pineapple, olives
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
268 грн
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545 g
Base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salami, ham, hunting, pickling cucumber, onions, chili
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
279 грн
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Spicy pizzas

510 g
Base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, paperoni, bacon, jalapeno peppers
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
266 грн
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500 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Моцарела, вершковий соус Том Ям, чері, гриби, мідії, креветки, кунжут
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
315 грн
490 g
Base, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, chicken, tomatoes, sweet chili
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
271 грн
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460 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Соус BBQ, сир моцарела, ананас, перець халапеньо, салямі
  • 30 см
  • 40 см
265 грн
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Mini pizzas

150 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Соус вершковий, сир моцарела, салямі, кукурудза
67 грн
150 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Соус томатний, сир моцарела, пепероні
67 грн
150 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Соус томатний, сир моцарела, куряче філе, кукурудза, соус солодкий чилі
67 грн
135 g
Sorry, this entry is only available in Укр.Cоус вершковий, сир моцарела, сир дор блю, сир королівський, сир пармезан
67 грн

They also order with pizza

Pronto Pizza — delicious pizza delivery in Chernivtsi

Too lazy to cook? Are you waiting for guests or want to enjoy something delicious? Then, free pizza delivery from Pronto Pizza is just what you need. We start preparing delicious meals immediately after we receive your order. We bake authentic Italian pizza, especially for you. And our fastest couriers bring orders quickly: fragrant and hot. Crispy pizza, rolls, salads, or desserts – choose your perfect lunch!

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